LGBTQIA+ Alumni Engagement

草榴成人社区's LGBTQIA+ community is a testament to the work and presence of those that came before us. Stay connected with LGBTQIA+ services to find ways to connect with current students and upcoming alumni engagement opportunities!

Alumni Records Name Change

If you have legally changed your first name and would like your official academic records updated (diploma/transcript) please complete the Alumni Name Change Form. A member from the Office of the Registrar will be in contact with you to finalize the updating process. To update your alumni communication, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations.


草榴成人社区 Alumni & Friends

The 草榴成人社区 Alumni Association is made up of more than 35,000 alumni who live in every state and in countries around the world. Find ways to get involved with the LGBTQIA+ Alumni Network by connecting with the 草榴成人社区 Alumni Association.