For descriptions of this profession, see: What is Chiropractic section of the or
Typical chiropractic programs are 4 years.
Schools may require English, cell biology, genetics, math, social sciences, humanities and/or other courses. Check directly with those schools and the .
1 Year of General Biology | Biology 101 Molecules, Genes and Cells |
Biology 102 Evolution, Organisms & Ecology |
1 Year of General Chemistry | Chemistry 130 Structure & Properties of Inorganic Compounds w/ Lab |
Chemistry 170 Stoichiometric Calculations |
Chemistry 260 Thermodynamics, Equilibrium & Kinetics w/ Lab |
1 Year Organic Chemistry | Chemistry 120 Structure & Properties of Organic Molecules w/ Lab |
Chemistry 310 Enzyme Mechanics |
1 Year Physics | Physics 120 Principles of Physics I w/ Lab |
Physics 130 Principles of Physics II w/ Lab |
1 Semester Biochemistry | Chemistry 240 Structure & Function of Biomolecules w/ Lab |
Introductory Psychology | Psychology 100 Introductory Psychology |
For admittance directly after ²έΑρ³ΙΘΛΙηΗψ: Prerequisite courses completed by the end of senior year; although, preference may be given to applicants who complete the required courses sooner. Apply during the fall semester of senior year.
Chiropractic Centralized Application Service (ChrioCAS)
Many chiropractic schools do not require any standardized test for admission. However, depending on the school the Chiropractic College Aptitude Test (CCAT) may be required.
Chiropractic College Aptitude Test (CCAT): Take after biology, all chemistry, physics and mathematics courses are completed.
The CCAT has 100 multiple choice questions. The test takes approximately 1.5 hours to complete. Register for the CCAT through the Enrollment Office at a chiropractic college. You receive your scores immediately upon completion of the test.
Free and low-cost preparation materials: