Treating diseases and other conditions that affect the teeth and gums.
For descriptions of this profession, see: or
Dental School: 4 years
Specialties (i.e. orthodontics) require additional education after dental school is complete.
Schools may require English, cell biology, genetics, math, social sciences, humanities and/or other courses. Check directly with those schools and the .
1 Year of General Biology | Biology 101 Molecules, Genes and Cells |
Biology 102 Evolution, Organisms & Ecology |
1 Year of General Chemistry | Chemistry 130 Structure & Properties of Inorganic Compounds w/ Lab |
Chemistry 170 Stoichiometric Calculations |
Chemistry 260 Thermodynamics, Equilibrium & Kinetics w/ Lab |
1 Year Organic Chemistry | Chemistry 120 Structure & Properties of Organic Molecules w/ Lab |
Chemistry 310 Enzyme Mechanics |
1 Year Physics | Physics 120 Principles of Physics I w/ Lab |
Physics 130 Principles of Physics II w/ Lab |
For admittance directly after ²έΑρ³ΙΘΛΙηΗψ: Prerequisite courses completed by the end of junior year; apply the summer before senior year.
For Gap Year: Prerequisite courses completed by the end of senior year; apply summer after senior year.
Dental Admission Test (DAT): Take after biology, all chemistry and physics courses are completed.
The DAT has four sections: Survey of the Natural Sciences (Biology, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry), Perceptual Ability, Reading Comprehension and Quantitative Reasoning. The test takes approximately 5 hours to complete and is given virtually daily at Prometric Testing centers. . You receive your scores immediately upon completion of the test.
Free and low-cost preparation materials: