Funding for Off-Campus Study

There are lots of scholarships outside of 草榴成人社区. But where to find them? Below are resources for finding funding as well as some examples of scholarships of available scholarships. The list is not exhaustive (there are too many to list) but, provide an idea of the types of scholarships available outside of 草榴成人社区. This is just a sample list, and not all are specific to off-campus study. If you want to find more, use the search sites below.

Read on for more...

Program Scholarships

One of the best places to start your search is with the off-campus programs that 草榴成人社区 partners with. Most programs available on the 草榴成人社区 website offer their own scholarships, with some also offering grants and low cost/free loans. 

草榴成人社区 partner programs

Scholarships are often aimed at particular groups of people, subject areas, or professions. Below are some examples of scholarships targeted at particular groups. 

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Scholarships search engines & databases

草榴成人社区 partner programs

Disability scholarships

Diversity scholarships


International student scholarships

Undocumented student scholarships

US National/governmental scholarships


Application tips


There are so many scholarships it's impossible for us to list them all, but there are a number of sites that let you set your criteria and search for relevant scholarships, some of which are listed below. 

National Scholarship Providers Association (NSPA) - Scholar Snapp helps you save time by allowing you to move you information between application forms.



The Diverse International Women Of Color Study Abroad Scholarship is intended to assist women of color who are exceptional in their studies and in need of financial assistance to study abroad. DIWC will award $500 scholarships to women of color who have been accepted to a In-Person Study Abroad Program.

Spring Application Period: October 

& search tool 

 -  up to $6000

DIS seeks to promote a diverse student body by providing financial support to students from populations traditionally underrepresented in study abroad including but not limited to diverse ethnic, racial, cultural, or educational backgrounds, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, age, veteran status, etc.

 - list of non-study abroad specific scholarships

 - non study abroad list of scholarships for Hispanic & LatinX students

 - Latino - not study abroad specific

The NBCUniversal Media Scholarship Program is intended to assist and encourage outstanding undergraduate Latino students attending a U.S. post-secondary institution with an interest in the media and entertainment industry. 


草榴成人社区 maintains a list of scholarships here


The Rainbow SIG has partnered with the   to create an endowment for the Rainbow Scholarship fund, which provides funding specifically for LGBTQIA+ students.

The Rainbow Scholarship is awarded to deserving applicants who self-identify within the community. All U.S. citizens or permanent residents currently enrolled as an undergraduate at a U.S. institution of higher education and looking to study abroad are eligible to apply.

 - Applicants must be a resident of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, or Washington but may study elsewhere & identify as LGBTQ+ or questioning


For students pursuing studies related to the health and disability, to include, but not limited to public health, health promotion, disability studies, disability research, rehabilitation engineering, audiology, disability policy, special education and majors that will impact quality of life of persons with disabilities.

Applicant must have a disability as defined by  and must provide documentation to verify this.

Preference will be given to students majoring in public health, disability studies, health promotion or a field related to disability and health.


Free database of nearly 3500 scholarships, no sign-up required. Search by subject and country., 

International Education and Financial Aid - helps you find country specific scholarships - if you need to find something from your home country

 - helping you find country specific scholarships (e.g. from your home country)

 Vera Scholarship (草榴成人社区)  - to enable exceptional students from Croatia, Slovenia or the Balkan region to access the many educational, cultural and life-long benefits a 草榴成人社区 education provides.

Eligibility: a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or currently studying in the United States on a student visa


 - up to $1500 scholarship

 -up to $10,000

 - offers $20,000

The program provides support for women pursuing full-time graduate or postdoctoral study in the United States to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents, and who intend to return to their home country to pursue a professional career

App deadline: November


Most programs 草榴成人社区 partners with offer scholarships. You may wish to factor this into your search when choosing your off-campus program. Some are automatic, most you need to apply for. Check program websites for details and application instructions.

See also   - scholarship applicants participating on programs hosted by providers in our Access Partner Program may be eligible for additional financial support up to $5,000.

Pell Grant Matching - if you’re Pell eligible, some programs offer Pell grant matching where they will match the amount of your Pell Grant. 

 - a list of many program scholarships in one place


Several scholarships -Up to $5000 for historically underrepresented, marginalized students

Grants - for Pell Grant students

For Access, Inclusion, Diversity & Equity

Awarded automatically as part of application process if eligible - no need for separate application

50% of AIFS students receive a grant

 Or for specific programs.

  need based - up to $5000


  - Offers merit, need based and external scholarships

 - Partner scholarships  


Grants - Program specific grants available

Need-based Aid - Up to $2000 per semester

Available to 草榴成人社区 students

Discounts for additional consecutive term (e.g staying on for summer)



Flight credit  - $1000 once you’ve registered for the program and withdrawal date has passed. See website for full eligibility criteria and how it works. 

Various other scholarships


accessibility partner program

Centro - Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome

Thanks to the support of many loyal and generous alumni, friends, and granting agencies, the Centro offers when students demonstrate need through the FAFSA or similar instrument. The Centro Managing Committee makes need-blind admissions decisions and then awards scholarships.

Over the past 5 years, the Centro has granted nearly $1.5 million dollars in scholarships.



 - guaranteed if EFC of 10,000 or less 


Have a number of their own scholarships, as well as endowed scholarships, zero & low interest loans, Financial Aid and Aid for international students not eligible for federal aid. 

Eligibility includes but is not limited to those who identify as a racial or ethnic minority, members of the LGBTQ+ community, first-generation college students, students with disabilities, and students from all underrepresented groups or underserved communities.

 Low & zero interest loans

Low interest loan up to $7500 for semester programs

  - Eligibility: min 3.25 GPA required

Awards from $500 for social media/visual scholars

Travel Grants up to $1000 for cost to/from program

Early bird discount

 - 草榴成人社区 nominates students for SIT scholarships of  up to $6000 per semester 

SIT Study Abroad Alumni Scholarship  for previous SIT participants


awarded each semester to the best Principia Consortium student in the  class. The best overall performance is determined by the final marks awarded to Principia students in each run of the class.

University of Limerick  - 

FEA sends disbursements directly to the student awarded, either by mailing a physical check or via direct deposit.

 -  -$5,000 USD for housing, transportation, and cost-of-living.


There are scholarships available for students from Indiana, but wherever you are from, check to see if there are specific scholarships only available to in-state residents or residents of your home country. 




These are typically for US nationals or permanent residents so if you do not have permanent residency in the US it may be worth checking with your home country, either government foreign office or educational departments, or charitable organizations. 

- Pell grant eligible students 

The U.S. Department of State’s Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program enables students of limited financial means to study or intern abroad, providing them with skills critical to our national security and economic prosperity. To be eligible for the Gilman Program, applicants must be receiving a Federal Pell Grant during the time of application or provide proof that they will be receiving a Pell Grant during the term of their study abroad program or internship. The Institute of International Education (IIE) has administered the program since its inception in 2001.



The mission of the Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) is to provide scholarships and ongoing support to students who are underrepresented among the U.S. study abroad population. FEA makes life-changing, international experiences accessible to all by supporting students of color, community college, and first-generation college students before, during, and after they participate in education abroad programs.

FEA's Access Partners join in the shared commitment to increase the number of underrepresented American college students studying abroad. FEA scholarship applicants participating on programs hosted by providers in our Access Partner Program may be eligible for additional financial support up to $5,000.

 - Deadline:January

An initiative of the Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO) and funds study abroad by U.S. undergraduate students in world regions critical to U.S. interests.The Boren Awards invest in linguistic and cultural knowledge for aspiring federal government employees. Focuses on specific languages, locations and subjects of national interest. Preference given  to programs based on their duration, focus on intensive study of a preferred language in a preferred country, and the applicant’s field of study.

All eligible applicants have the option to either apply for a Regional Flagship Language Initiative or select/design their own study program.

For graduates

The US Government maintains 


The Dream.US   - 

Available for Indiana residents, and residents of certain other states

Up to $80,000 for undergraduate studies that attend Dream.US partner institutions (does not include 草榴成人社区!).

The - US Citizens, Permanent residents or DACA

From the Obama Foundation for students interested in public service. Available for Indiana residents, and residents of certain other states attending partner institutions (does not include 草榴成人社区).

  - for Hispanic, US citizen or DACA

 - comprises 60+ scholarships

No citizenship required. Applicants must be a resident of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, or Washington but may study elsewhere and identify as LGBTQ+ or questioning.

MPower Financing -  -up to $10,000

 University of Limerick  - 


Financial Need is determined by the FEA Financial Aid Form we provide when you begin an application.

Demographic Factors that are considered include minority background, first-generation college student status, and community college experience.

Academic Plan and Preparedness is determined by your essays and unofficial transcript.


 - provides a curated list of scholarships available to caregivers


United Kingdom - 

App deadline: June each year

Eligibility includes:

The purpose of the scholarship is to provide a deserving study abroad student with financial support to pursue academic study in the United Kingdom.  By offering the scholarship, AASAP/UK is fulfilling one of its purposes – the promotion and support of academic standards. The merit-based scholarship will be awarded to the applicant who demonstrates an understanding and appreciation of the value of an international educational experience and who agrees to share with AASAP/UK members the ways in which the scholarship has helped to fulfill their academic and personal ambitions.  The award will be £1,000 for a student whose program lasts at least eight weeks.

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Point programs support LGBTQ students pursuing higher education in community colleges and schools, as well as four-year degree-granting institutions.