When you pursue the Archaeology Pathway, you’ll learn to combine the study of material culture – that is, tools, weapons, structures, religious images and other objects – with analytical and interpretive methods derived from anthropology, classical studies, art history, history and the sciences. Classes in this pathway focus on method and theory, as well as specific topics in archaeology. You’ll have the flexibility to focus on a particular period and location or to explore broad patterns in human social, political and cultural development.
boasts three professors of archaeology (one in anthropology and two in classical studies), which makes it one of few liberal arts colleges to offer a full range of courses. A background in archaeology complements majors or minors in multiple disciplines and can lead to a variety of career opportunities. If you’re interested in graduate work, your advisers in anthropology or classical studies will help you decide the best path for you. Recent graduates have pursued positions in museum studies, conservation, cultural resource management, geographic information systems and law as well as academic careers.
Students on the Archaeology Pathway are encouraged to use their knowledge of scientific methods, social science analysis and humanistic inquiry to find answers to critical questions about the past. You’ll gain experience in communicating research results by writing academic papers and making public presentations.
If you’re willing and eager to get your hands dirty – for real – you’ll have opportunities for field work, off-campus study and internships. You may participate in excavation projects in Italy, where teams are excavating a Roman villa, and in Indiana, with a project dedicated to documenting late 19th-century African-American migrants in Putnam County. Or you can study for a semester at a study-abroad program in Athens or Rome.
Connections with local museums provide internships for students interested in all aspects of curatorial work, including conservation, collections management, public education and marketing.
An introduction to the perspectives, methods, and ideas of cultural anthropology with a focus on human diversity and similarities through cross-cultural comparison.
An introduction to human evolutionary history focusing on a broad range of data including fossils, artifacts, DNA, and the behavior of living apes.
An introduction to theory and practice in Mediterranean archaeology including the basics of field methods, the role of ethics in archaeological research, and the relationship between classical antiquity and European intellectual traditions.
An introduction to archaeological analysis and interpretation from diverse data including artifacts, architecture, animal bones, preserved seeds and pollen, human bones and settlement spatial organization.
An introduction to the materials that make up the earth and the processes that create geological formations.
An introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) spatial analysis software tools and applications.
An introduction to earth history and the methods that geologists use to interpret both the rock record and the fossil record.
A detailed study of the formation, transportation, and deposition of sediments, including criteria for inferring the geologic history of sedimentary rocks.
A course focused on the analysis and interpretation of topographic maps, geologic maps, and geologic cross sections.
An exploration of geophysical approaches used by archaeologists, including ground-penetrating radar, magnetics, and electrical resistivity.
A survey of the art and archaeology of the eastern Mediterranean from the Paleolithic to the end of the Bronze Age.
A survey of the art and archaeology of the Mediterranean from the early Iron Age to the death of Alexander the Great. CLST 264, Hellenistic and Roman Art and Archaeology: A survey of the art and archaeology of the Mediterranean from the rise of the Hellenistic kingdoms through the Roman Empire.
An introduction to the archaeological study of human bones, including mortuary ritual, the relationship between the living and the dead, prehistoric warfare, and skeletal markers of disease.
A variety of courses taught on a rotating basis focusing on specific topics in Mediterranean archaeology; recent offerings include “Pompeii,” “The Archaeology of the Holy Lands,” “The Archaeology of Ancient Britain” and “Who Owns the Past?”
An introduction to museums and their operations, including issues of power, privilege, and diversity in the museum context.
A six-week field school in Umbria, Italy, that gives students practical experience in archaeological methods while they contribute to an ongoing research project. This program includes a museum component, field trips in central Italy, and community outreach/engagement. This project is directed by Rebecca Schindler and Pedar Foss of the Classical Studies Department.
Our students have successfully pursued field opportunities in external programs, including the excavation of an early Pilgrim site on Cape Cod, the geophysical investigation of a Mississippian-era mound in Illinois, an underwater excavation on the Black Sea, and the laboratory analysis of ancient Nubian human remains dating from the Egyptian New Kingdom period. These experiences have in part been enabled by ’s funding for student field experiences, including the Roland Naylor Award for Anthropological Archaeology, which provides funding for a hands-on summer experience in archaeology, and the Mercury Fund in Classical Studies, which supports student travel for research.