If you test positive for COVID-19:
For students:
- Stay home or in your housing unit until you are feeling better.
- You should not attend in-person classes or activities when you are symptomatic.
- For students on a meal plan, you may grab and go from Hoover or the C-Store.
- Follow to reduce transmission of COVID-19.
- You can return to your normal activities after 24 hours when (1) you are feeling better, and (2) you do not have a fever for 24 hours and you are not using a fever reducing medication. Student-athletes should contact their athletics trainer about returning to participation.
- When you return to normal activities, we strongly encourage you to wear a mask and keep your distance from others for at least five days, and test yourself for COVID-19 if you plan to gather or can't maintain your distance in a group setting.
- Email the CARE Team (care@depauw.edu) if you will miss more than two days of any class and need assistance in contacting your professors. Please note that the CARE Team does not verify absences nor do they have the ability to provide an excuse for any missed classes. They may be able to help you communicate with your professors if you anticipate missing more than two classes due to an illness. If you participate in intercollegiate athletics, you must also notify your athletics trainer.
- If desired, contact housing@depauw.edu to request a temporary move if you live in a residence hall, Rector Village or university-owned houses and apartments, or contact your house corporation if you live in a privately owned Greek chapter.
- If your symptoms do not improve or get worse, call ²έΑρ³ΙΘΛΙηΗψ Health Wellness Center at 765-658-4555 to schedule a consultation.
For employees:
- Stay home until you are feeling better. You are not expected to work if you are sick.
- Follow to reduce transmission of COVID-19.
- You can return to your normal activities after 24 hours when (1) you are feeling better, and (2) you do not have a fever for 24 hours and you are not using a fever reducing medication.
- If your symptoms don't improve, see your medical provider.
- When you return to normal activities, we strongly encourage you to wear a mask and keep your distance from others for at least five days, and test yourself for COVID-19 if you plan to gather or can't maintain your distance in a group setting.
- Connect with your supervisor to determine if working remotely is an option.
- Utilize standard sick time during this period.
- Any work absence of more than five consecutive days will require employees to contact HR directly.
If you receive a message that you were exposed to COVID-19:
- Monitor your health. Seek medical care or testing for COVID-19 if you have symptoms consistent with a respiratory virus.
- Wear a high-quality mask (KF94, KN95 or N95) for 10 days to help prevent an outbreak on our campus.