EDU 197 The Cyborg and the Trickster: The Human Educational Machine
EDU 223 Deconstructing Differences
EDU 240 Issues and Trends in Education
EDU 290 Critical Pedagogy, Critical Theory
EDU 290 Banned Books, Banned Pedagogy
EDU 290 Decolonizing Education
EDU 297 Social Justice and Education
"Thinking through the Decolonial Turn in Research and Praxis: advancing New Understandings of the Community-School Relation in latino/a Parent Involvement" (2014) with P. Baquedano-Lopez and S. J. Hernandez. In Portes, P. R., Salas, S., Baquedano-Lopez, P., & Mellom, P. Eds. U.S. Latinos and Education Policy. Routledge.
"Equity Issues in Parental and Community Involvement in Schools: What Teacher Educators Need to Know" with P. Baquedano-Lopez and S.J. Hernandez. Review of Research in Education, 37, 149-181.
"Marketing Whiteness: Geographies of Colorblind Liberalism." (2009) Institute for the Study of Social Change, Graduate Fellows Working Paper Series, UC Berkeley.
Ph.D., Social and Cultural Studies in Education, UC Berkeley, 2012
MA, Social and Cultural Studies in Education, UC Berkeley, 2005
BA (Summa Cum Laude), Globalization/Interdisciplinary Studies, Humboldt State University, 2002
Honors and Awards
Institute for the Study of Social Change Fellow (2007-2009)