Ph.D. in Statistics (2008), Bowling Green State University, OH
M.A. in Mathematical Statistics (2004), Ball State University, IN
M.S. in Statistics (1999), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
B.S. in Statistics (1997), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Courses Taught
MATH 348: Statistical Computing
MATH 341: Statistical Model Analysis
MATH 268: Data Science
MATH 247: Mathematical Statistics
MATH 184: Data Visualization with RStudio
MATH 141: Statistics for Professionals
R/RStudio packages:
SDPrism2D: Visualizing the Standard Deviation as the Size of a Prism ((with H. Nguyen, T .Nguyen , J. Sarkar). R package version 0.1.0. (2022).
SPOUSE: Scatter Plots Over-Viewed Using Summer Ellipses (with S. Phuyal, J. Sarkar). R package version 0.1.0. (2022).
quadraticSD: Visualing the Standard Deviation (SD) Using a Quadratic Curve (with S. Phuyal, J. Sarkar). R package version 0.1.0. (2022)
GIplot: The R Gaussian Interval Plot Package (with S. Phuyal, J. Sarkar). R package version 0.1.0. (2021)., 2021.
IVYplot: Produces an IVY Plot (Similar to Dot Plot) with/without Frequencies (with T. Nguyen, T., J. Sarkar), R package version 0.1.0.(2021).
EuclideanSD: An Euclidean View of Center and Spread (with R. Bhattacharjee, S. Phuyal, J. Sarkar). R package version 0.1.0.(2021).
shutterplot: The R Shutter Plot Package (with S. Phuyal and J. Sarkar), R package version 0.1.0. (2021).
Research Articles
Adverse childhood experiences and association with poorer health and health-harming behaviours in adulthood among Americans (with M. Islam and M. Rashid). Child: Care, Health Develoment, 49:943–954., 2023.
A Can Lover Learns to Optimize (with A. Phuong Do and J. Sarkar). Journal of Probability and Statistical Science, 21(1), 118-132, 2023.
Ranking and Visualizing Clusters of the US States by Adversity Childhood Experiences (with A. Phuong Do, J. Sarkar and M. Shifa Rashid). International Journal of Statistical Sciences, 23(1), 2023.
Fair Allocation Using an Unfair Randomizer (with J. Sarkar). Blackboard, Issue 5, 33-53, 2023,
Visualizing Bivariate Statistics Using Ellipses Over a Scatter Plot (with J. Sarkar). Journal of Probability and Statistical Science, 20(1), 150-165, 2022.
Mathematical Musings on the External Anatomy of the Novel Coronavirus. Part 4: Part 3: Models of n-Cov (with J. Sarkar). Resonance - Journal of Science Education, 27(10), 1719-1730, 2022.
Mathematical Musings on the External Anatomy of the Novel Coronavirus. Part 3: Spherical Triangles (with J. Sarkar). Resonance - Journal of Science Education, 29(9), 1597–1606, 2022.
Mathematical Musings on the External Anatomy of the Novel Coronavirus. Part 2: Chasing After Quasi-Symmetry (with J. Sarkar). Resonance - Journal of Science Education, 27(5), 855–866, 2022.
Mathematical Musings on the External Anatomy of the Novel Coronavirus. Part 1: The Overall Shape of the n-CoV (with J. Sarkar). Resonance - Journal of Science Education, 27(4), 609–622, 2022.
Estimating the Parameters of a Simple Linear Regression Model Without Using Differential Calculus (with J. Sarkar). Journal of Probability and Statistical Science, 20(1), 191-203, 2022.
SD Prism: Visualizing the Standard Deviation as the Size of a Prism Using R/RStudio ((with H. Nguyen, T .Nguyen , J. Sarkar), Student Research. 47., 2022.
Frequent mental distress among adults in the United States and its association with socio-demographic characteristics, unhealthy lifestyle, and chronic physical health status (with M. Islam, A. Li, N. Shifa). Journal of Public Health and Development. 20(1), 146-162, 2022.
Visualizing the Centre of Gravity Using the (Empirical) Cumulative Distribution Functions (with J. Sarkar). International Journal of Statistical Sciences, 21(2), 19-43, 2021.
Visualizing Bivariate Data: What’s Your Point of View? (with J. Sarkar). Journal of Probability and Statistical Science, 19(1), 83-95, 2021.
Two Regression Lines Suffice to Determine r2 and r (with J. Sarkar). Educational Research Quarterly, 45(2), 21-30, 2021.
Depicting Bivariate Relationship with a Gaussian Ellipse (with J. Sarkar). Statistics and Applications, 19(2), 77-87, 2021.
shutterplot: An R Package to Display All Summary Statistics of a Simple Linear Regression Model (with Phuyal, S., Sarkar, J.). Student Research., 2021.
GIplot: An R Package for Visualizing the Summary Statistics of a Quantitative Variable (with Phuyal, S., Sarkar, J.). Student Research., 2021.
IVY Plot: Enhancing a Dot Plot by Representing Observations as Leaflets. Student Research (with Phuyal, S., Sarkar, J.). Student Research., 2021.
IVY Plot and Gaussian Interval Plot (with J. Sarkar). Teaching Statistics - An International Journal for Statistics and Data Science Teaching, 1-6,, 2021.
Self-rated health status, functional difficulties in health domains and non-communicable diseases in Oman: Evidence from the World Health Survey in Oman (with M. Islam and A. Hadhrami). International Research Journal of Public and Environmental Health, 8 (1), 8-19, 2021.
Visualizing the mean and the standard deviation using R/RStudio Shiny package (R. Hufnagel, Z. Chen, and J. Sarkar). In the ICTCM proceedings, The 32nd Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, 2020.
Guess the Mean: Which Method is Better? (with J. Sarkar). Journal of Proabbility and Statistical Sciences, 18(2), 63-176, 2000.
Shutter Plot: A Visual Display of Summary Statistics over a Scatter Plot (with J. Sarkar). International Journal of Statistical Sciences, 20(2), 99-116, 2020.
Pattern of health behavior and its association with self-rated health: evidence from the 2018 behavioral risk factor surveillance system in the United States (with L. Nguyen, M. Islam), Student Research. 5, 2020.
Cantelli-Type Inequalities Viewed Geometrically (with J. Sarkar). Journal of Probability and Statistical Science, 18(1), 67-86, 2020.
Euclidean plane geometry suffices to visualize the standard deviation (with J. Sarkar). The Mathematics Student, 88(3-4), 2019.
Visualizing the Mode of a Set of Numbers (with J. Sarkar). Journal of Probability and Statistical Science, 17(2), 227-237, 2019.
Have you seen the standard deviation? (with J. Sarkar). Nepalese Journal of Statistics, 3, 1-10, 2019.
Portraying Standard Deviation via Revolution (with J. Sarkar). Journal of Probability and Statistical Science, 17(1), 109-119, 2019.
Visualizing the Analysis of Variance (with J. Sarkar). Journal of the Society for Application of Statistics in Agriculture and Allied Sciences, 3(1), 1-11, 2018.
Cyber Mentoring in an Online Introductory Statistics Course (with J. Sarkar). Educational Research Quarterly, 41(3), 25-38, 2018.
Visualizing the Mean and the Spread of a Random Variable (with J. Sarkar). Journal of Propagations in Probability and Statistics, 17(2), 59-70, 2017.
Visualizing Mean, Mean Deviation and Standard Deviation of a Continuous Random Variable (with J. Sarkar). In JSM Proceedings, Statistical Education Section. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association, 82-89, 2017.
Visualizing the Sample Standard Deviation (with J. Sarkar), Educational Research Quarterly, 40(4), 45-60, 2017.
Eine geometrische Sicht auf das arithmetische Mittel (with J. Sarkar). Stochastik in der Schule, 37(2), 14-16, 2017. (In German)
Failure of Care Acquisition: Identifying Risk Factors in American Health Disparities (with N. Downing). Student research-other. 2, 2017.
An Application of TOPSIS Method to Rank the US States Based on Recent Toxic Release of Priority Chemicals (with Kaiyan Cai), International Journal of Environmental Sciences, 7(4), 270-279, 2017.
Visualizing Mean, Median, Mean Deviation and Standard Deviation of a Set of Numbers (with J. Sarkar). The American Statistician, 70(3), 304-312, 2016.
A geometric view of the mean of a set of numbers (with J. Sarkar). Teaching Statistics - An International Journal for Teachers, 38(3), 2016.
A Two-Dimensional Visualization of the Standard Deviation (with J. Sarkar). Journal of Propagations in Probability and Statistics, 16(1), 13-21, 2016.
Data Integration Techniques in Agricultural Sciences (with B.K. Sinha). Journal of the Society for Application of Statistics in Agriculture and Allied Sciences, 1(1), 5-10, 2016.
An Application of TOPSIS Method to Rank the Instructors Based on Students' Performances, In JSM Proceedings, Statistical Computing Section. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association, pp. 2554-2560, 2016.
Multinomial Hybrid Logistic Regression Models Under Case-Control Study. In Proceedings, The 5th International Conference of IMBIC on Mathematical Sciences for Advancement of Science and Technology. Kolkata, India, December 18-20, 2011.
Monte Carlo Evaluation of Consistency and Normality of Dichotomous and Polytomous Logistic Regression Models (with N. Shifa). In Proceedings, The 2011 Hawaii University International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering. Honolulu, Hawaii, June 13-15, 2011.
Consistency of the Likelihood Estimator in the Dichotomous Logistic Regression Model: A Different Approach (with N. Shifa). Journal of Statistics, Vol 16: 1-11, 2009.
Generalization of the Hybrid Logistic Model Under Case-Control Sampling Design. Journal of Korean Data & Information Science Society. 19(1): 361-373, 2008.
Inference on Logistic Regression Model. Ph.D. Research. Ohio Link ETD (2008).
Adolescent Pregnancy and Child Health in Bangladesh (with M. Mazharul Islam). Dhaka University Journal of Science, 54(1): 75-80, 2006.
Determinants of Unintended Pregnancy in Bangladesh (with M. Mazharul Islam). Dhaka University Journal of Science, 53(2): 151-160, 2005.
Effect of Infant Immunization on Childhood Mortality in Rural Bangladesh: Analysis of Health and Demographic Surveillance Data (with Robert F Breiman, Peter Kim Streatfield, Maureen Phelan, Naima Shifa, Mohammed Yunus). Lancet, 364: 2204- 2211, 2004.
Determinants of Unintended Pregnancy Among Ever-Married Women in Bangladesh (with M. Mazharul Islam). The Journal of Family Welfare, 50(2): 40-47, 2004.
Fertility Behaviour of Married Adolescents in Bangladesh (with M. Mazharul Islam). Demography India, 32(1): 37-52, 2004.