B.A. in Art History, Washington University in St. Louis
Teaching Interests
Medieval Art History; Illuminated Manuscripts; Iconoclasm
Courses Taught
Introduction to Western Art History; Medieval Art of Love; Smashing Images: Iconoclasm and Iconophobia in a Global Context
Research Interests
Medieval illuminated manuscripts; the history and materiality of reading practices; visual manifestations of courtly love and eroticism
Selected Awards and Publications
Fishing for Meaning: Reading the Frontispieces of the Codex Manesse; In Proceedings of the XVth Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, ed. Gloria Allaire (publication forthcoming, 2018)
Fascinated by Fascination: Female Privacy and the Leipzig Love Magic Panel.; In Visions of Enchantment: Occultism, Spirituality ; Visual Culture, eds. Daniel Zamani and Judith Noble (Proceedings from the 2014 Cambridge conference of the same name; publication forthcoming, 2018).
2016 Emerging Scholar Award, International Society of Courtly Literature.
October 2014 First Prize for Innovative Research and Presentation Delivery, 40th Annual Cleveland Symposium, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH.
April 2014 - Yale Department of Art History Conference Grant.
August 2010 ; July 2012 Richard J. Franke Fellow, Yale University