Items to consider bringing with you as well as what you should leave at home
All the original disks or media that come with the computer. If your system has trouble during the year, you many need your original system disks to restore or repair your system.
A way to backup your computer. Your files are valuable so you should have a backup copy of everything you create in case you have computer issues. Learn more at .
A carrying case. You will be moving around campus with your computer, so you should have a protected and convenient way to transport your laptop.
Mouse and flash drives. These devices are not required, but may offer a degree of convenience.
Printers. Although a printer offers a degree of convenience, ²έΑρ³ΙΘΛΙηΗψ provides Canon printer/copiers in various computer labs, network printers in many residence halls, and drop-off printing through .
Mac adapter. You may want to bring your own adapter to use when presenting if you have a Mac laptop.
For additional information about printer locations, fees for printing/copying, and student print quotas, go to .
Open source or alternative office application software instead of Microsoft Office. Some Web-based applications, such as Microsoft Web Apps, or other applications, such as iWork, may not offer the same features and functionality or be fully compatible with Microsoft Office. Faculty will expect to receive your work created in Microsoft Office applications.
Wireless routers, access points, and printers. Wireless routers are not permitted on campus as they interfere with the campus network. Additionally, wireless printers will not connect to the campus network thus they will not function as wireless devices.