The main office, reception area and meeting facilities for the Academic Affairs Department are located in the Percy Lavon Julian Science and Mathematics Center, accessible through door 131 from the atrium area.
Our current in-person office hours are:
Monday - Friday, 8am – Noon and 1pm-5pm
(Office closing for lunch daily from Noon -1pm)
²έΑρ³ΙΘΛΙηΗψ Summer Fridays: Offices will close at noon on Fridays through July 26, 2024.
If you need to reach us outside of these hours, please send your request here.
Dave Berque
Vice President for Academic Affairs
E: VPAA or Dave Berque
P: 765.658.4359
John F. Clarke
Dean of the School of Business and Leadership
E: John Clarke
P: 765.658.4600
Carol Cox
Coordinator for Faculty Personnel Policy and Review
E: Coordinator or Carol Cox
P: 765.658.4363
Bridget Gourley
Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Dean of the Faculty and Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
E: Dean of Faculty or Bridget Gourley
O: 765.658.4359
Tim Good
Dean of Academic Programs, Assessment and Policies and Professor of Communication and Theatre
E: Dean of Academic Programs or Tim Good
P: 765.658.4486
Marcus Hayes
Dean of the Creative School and Professor in the School of Music and Communication and Theatre
E: Marcus Hayes
P: 765.658.4394
Erna Nobles
Academic Projects Coordinator
E: Erna Nobles
P: 765.658.4365
Julia Proctor
Director of Academic Operations
E: Director of Academic Operations or Julia Proctor
P: 765.658.5473
Ash Puzzo
Q-Center Director, Part-time Assistant Professor of Philosophy, and Coordinator of University Award Convocation
E: Ash Puzzo
P: 765.658.4371
Brenda Rogers
Administrative Assistant for Academic Affairs, English, PACS and WGSS
E: Brenda Rogers
P: 765.658.4359
Anthony Tillman
Dean of Student Academic Success and Equity
E: Anthony Tillman
P: 765.658.4610
Corinne Wagner
Director of Sponsored Research and Institutional Grants
E: Grants or Corinne Wagner
P: 765.658.4091
Becky Wallace
Faculty Development Assistant
E: Faculty Development or Becky Wallace
P: 765.658.6555